
Review Round Up

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

MSATNM has been blessed with some mighty nice reviews so far. In fact, I can only think of one not-so-nice one which I would include here as well but . . . darn . . . where did I put that link? Oh well.

I haven't been counting, but I think in the (almost a) month since publication there have been about a dozen reviews, maybe more. Reviews aren't supposed to matter to me, but they do. I like to be read and to hear what people think about what I've written, and when they like it, and seem to get it, then I'm happy; when they don't like it, and yet appear to have gotten it, I'm not as happy. I know some writers say they don't read their own reviews . . . and I really wonder if this is true. If there are any writers out there who don't read their own reviews, I'd love to hear from them. I'm not one of them, that's for sure.

So, that being said, here are some of the reviews I read, and you can read them too if you are so inclined. I had started to link them individually, until I found a site that had them all there already. L.A. Times, USA Today, Oregon, Nashville, etc -- they are all here. Take a look!

All in all I'm happy with the way it's been received, by reviewers and by readers I meet on the road. I'm happy. Period.

posted by Daniel Wallace at 4:06 PM


Blogger Thomas said...

I finished the book three days ago and I thought it was fantastic. I am a fan, but I do not want you to think this is a very biased review. If you wrote something bad I would tell you, heh. But every book so far is good. And I believe this and Big Fish stand out as the best and I would actually consider MSATNM a companion piece to Big Fish. I found MSATNM shares similar ideas that were first expressed in Big Fish and i think the moral statement expressed about racism, be it meant or not, was very important and heightened the reading experience for me even more. The story kept me interested all the way through with a steady pace. I think the best thing about reading your books is that we, the readers, get to see them in progress. When you are writing a new book you announce it on your website... You tell us from the begining about your new work and keep us informed on it's publidshing, reviews, tour, etc. I think this adds even more to the book, knowing that the author is personable and not so wrapped up in himself to think he doesn't need to have any contact with his reader base. I like how you keep up news and don't let visitors to your site linger for months and months... Your writing is fantastic and knowing you care about your work and most importantly your audience makes every book I read written by you an even greater experience. You keep writing them, and I will continue to buy and read them. By far, you are in my top 10 favorite writers along side writers like Kerouac, Faulkner, and Kafka.

August 2, 2007 11:41 PM  
Blogger Daniel Wallace said...

Thanks Thomas. I try. Nice to know someone is taking note.

August 8, 2007 12:34 PM  

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